Our Mission
The Office of Engaged Learning leads and supports the development of opportunities for UIS students to be actively engaged in experiential learning.

Our Values
Student Focus
Inclusivity and Transparency
Personal Attention
Innovative Connections

Engaged Learning through Experience
21-Century Skills
Personal and Professional Development
Civic Engagement
Intercultural and Global Awareness
Reflection and Assessment

Collaborative Community
Meaningful Relationships & Connections
Strategic Response to Needs
Positive Impact on Student Learning
Advocating for Learning through Experience

About Engaged Learning

Students can actively engage in global learning through experience and reflection, transforming ideas into purpose through professional work, research, and service. Following this pathway will contribute to preparing students for successful careers and becoming global citizens with the ability to offer meaningful contributions in life after graduation.

Our Vision

UIS understands the value and importance of experiential learning to the development and growth of the individual and society. The Office of Engaged Learning at UIS will work with local, state, national, and global communities to develop a network of experiential learning opportunities to inspire students to become intentional learners, professionals, and social citizens.


What is engaged learning?

A personalized structured learning experience paired with an academic course that expands beyond the traditional learning space and provides real-world global engagement experiences in various industries, government agencies, community organizations, and partner universities

Why get involved in engaged learning?

To discover your passion by experiencing growth academically, professionally, and personally by:

  • immersing yourself in real-world matters that allow you to innovate and address current issues while simultaneously gaining relevant experience that’s useful after graduation;
  • applying knowledge and 21st-century skills to real-world issues and situations;
  • developing lifelong academic, professional, and culturally diverse meaningful connections;
  • reflecting on new experiences to refine your global perspective;
  • fulfilling an ECCE university requirement (applies to most engaged learning IPL/UNI-study away courses).

Where does engaged learning occur?

Engaged learning can occur in a variety of geographic locations while interacting with businesses, government agencies, community organizations, and partner universities. Online experiences are also available to those unable to travel which provides unique engagement learning and work experiences suitable for your current living situation. Consult with an OEL advisor to see what options best fit your needs and interests.

Who can participate and what types of support are provided for engaged learning?

Participants: Open to UIS Students

Support: OEL Staff, UIS Faculty Supervisors, IPL Instructors, Academic Program Advisors, Professionals serving as Host Organization Supervisors, Community Organizations’ Staff, Global University Partners

When/How should engaged learning happen?

It’s never too early to begin planning for your engaged learning experience(s), since there are many options currently available and new experiences continuously being explored and developed. Contact an OEL advisor today to begin exploring your options and designing an action plan!